Click to Play!

Monday, August 29, 2022

The 2022 Everfree Demo has Arrived!!

Come see the demo we spent the past year building from the ground up! 🌎

The New Kickstarter Anniversary Demo is finally available on! 🎮 

This here is the demo we just debuted at Everfree Northwest showing the brand new overworld and improved battle mechanics for the first time.

Download the Demo!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Battle Gem Ponies Devlog #6


Talking about ULTRA TRANSFORMATIONS in the 6th Battle Gem Ponies Devlog!

(Now on YouTube!)

Monday, August 8, 2022

Battle Gem Ponies Are Coming to Everfree Northwest 2022! ~


Be sure to stop by the Vendor Hall and play the newest #BattleGemPonies Demo 🎮 at EFNW 2022! 🦄💎🌟