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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Battle Gem Ponies DevLog #87 (Contacts & Beginning 6.0)

     Another milestone down. New fans acquired. New bugs found. Long ways to go. The journey to make Battle Gem Ponies a thing continues.

Get more details below.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Now for Something Different... (The Fun Stuff!)

     I'm cracking open some old strategy guides and analyzing some of the design decisions of the old Pokemon games in order to get in the proper frame of mind to design my own world map tile by tile. After this I'm going to finally start making sprites for every single pony so I can see what they look like (and maybe show a few to you guys to keep you entertained).

     I'm excited to finally be doing something without code. And I get to lay down on my bed for this part! A very nice change of pace and a reward for getting over the Demo 5 hurdle. I'll consider Demo 5 a success if I can get 3,000 people to download it. And to help boost that number along, I uploaded version 5.2 last night to get rid of some nasty bugs I saw popping up.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Battle Gem Ponies DevLog #86 (Little by Little)

     Taking steps towards greatness. That's what it's all about. Feeling overwhelmed with just how huge this game is. Seeing smaller ideas being implemented makes me very envious. It's the "why can't I just poof this into existence" problem. If I could at least not have to deal with the debugging problems this would be insanely easy and fun.

The road looks long ahead, but aiming for the milestones makes the journey feel more manageable. So it's onto the next. See you below the break.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Download: Battle Gem Ponies Demo 5.1 (FillyCon Build)

     Get your hooves on the newest version of the Pokemon inspired game about bejeweled horse altercations today! Battle Gem Ponies available for Android, PC, Mac, and now Linux platforms!

     This game works with touchscreens, mice/keyboard setups, and gamepads alike (and if not, tell me in the Bug Report Forums). Next update (6.0) will feature tons of little touches and activities to do in the overworld as well as a bunch of new ponies to battle with and capture. Thanks for keeping up with the game's development and enjoy playing BGP Demo 5.1!

You can download the latest BGP Build on!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Battle Gem Ponies DevLog #85 (A Different Kind of Work Week)

     Nothing really to report this time around. Spent the last 6 days cleaning carpets at the University of Central Florida's University House with my Dad and his crew. Trying to save up some social life money for the long year ahead. I really have nothing to report about gamedev until next week because I haven't even turned my computer on until yesterday. Most of that time was panicking over emails, travel plans, and financials anyway.

     Yotes Games is back in business starting today.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Battle Gem Ponies DevLog #84 (August... A year from now, BGP will be out.)

     Now that was a hectic week. One awful drive from PA to FL later, I'm finally ready to start a permanent Florida life. Got friends here to keep me company (and keep me from stressing out) and the genuine feeling of a fresh start on life.

     One year from now I'll be that musclebound, wealthy, gamedev badass I imagined in high school. Good times are ahead and I'm ready to start running toward them again. Take a look at how I'm kicking this off below!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Battle Gem Ponies DevLog #83 (Worst Summer Ever. Seriously.)

     Yesterday was truly a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Actually, the whole month felt that way. As if everything going wrong was building up to that. I'm more emotionally broken than I've ever been, but gained a whole new reason to believe in myself and stay determined.

     Find out why this post has been delayed, why almost nothing got done since BronyCon, and the silver lining along all the storm clouds over my head by digging through the post below!