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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Battle Gem Ponies DevLog #60 (Hear Me Roar)

     MAGfest is this week!! Gotta get ready! Gotta shake hands! Gotta meet more of my internet idols! It'll be a hectic week of prep and snowstorms over here at Penn College, but the happy times are right down the road. This time around, the excitement of running a panel has been replaced with coming up with a good 1-Hour Game Jam idea. If it's anything like BronyCon, I'm in for a huge morale boost and a ton of priceless memories.

Take a look at the state of Yotes Games below!

I certainly do this a lot...

  • Pony Cries Edited and Implemented (normal, K.O., and ultra)
  • Critical-Hit Calculator
  • Attack Sound Effects
  • Overworld "Check" Sound Effect
  • Hype Slash Bug Fix (calling hype moments "hype slash" now because it's shorter in code)
  • Shortened Some Move Descriptions in Spreadsheet
  • Made an Actual Tumblr Page
  • Updated Google+ Profile
  • Designed Business Cards for Magfest
     Lessons Learned:
  • I need a story that introduces each pony in a memorable way. Even if it's just a couple lines of text when you encounter them for the first time.
     Known BGP Bugs:     (Just Because)
  • Move Select Lockup & GP Depletion
  • Cam Shift During Multi-Hit Impact
  • NPC AI Finding TilePreviewPosition Must Wait Before Map Loads
  • Walking Through NPCs Sometimes
  • Keyboard Control Glitches
  • HP Mismatch on Battle Start (HP already missing)
  • PartyGemsCount Disappears Early After Rapid State Switching
  • Dynamically Fading TextShadows Required
  • First Showing of Stats Fades Too Early
  • House Stairway Errors
  • Vinerva Occasionally Wrecks the Game Somehow (Instant Freezes and Glitches)
       I came up with some ideas for business cards to pass out at Magfest after my friend Mike Miele told he he was going to pass out his own during all the gamedev panels. It's all on paper and an image folder full of icons right now since I plan to use Word on a school computer and print as many as I can tomorrow. Perhaps I'll update this post with them...


App Store Downloads Downloads
   After adding all the PC platforms to the downloads chart, it'll just be too big to share here as an image. I'll either just have to make a fancy bar graph out of the data, or just let you guys know when I hit a milestone. If you really like seeing my exact numbers week-to-week, let me know in the comments. They're here so you guys can see how much attention a small fry gets on the app store. I'm starting to think these tiny increments are getting pretty boring to anyone who isn't me.


     I've grown the list of sites I republish blogs on so you can find me on Naked Game Play, Tumblr, IndieDB, My IGN, My Little GameDev, Cartrdge, and DeviantArt now. All other sites I appear on are up to editors' discretion.

Yotes & Kari
   I took off Valentine's weekend to relax with my girlfriend and go see Deadpool. Magfest starts on Thursday, so this is the crunch week for exercise and catching up on schoolwork. I also need to think up simple gameplay ideas to implement during the 1 hour game jam. We're still on track to have the next BGP demo out in early March, and I hope you're excited to play it.

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