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Monday, November 10, 2014

Unicorn Training Appstore Screenshots

After slaving away for days it's done!
     I took a nice chunk of time to capture 10 perfect screenshots for Unicorn Training. These are the prettiest game images I've gotten for anything I've put up by a long shot. I put a lot of time and love into these things and the results make me proud to call this my game's best face-forward. I'll see to it that the feature / promo art is just as visually impressive.

    I set the game's camera resolution to 1136x640 and made it so it will shrink or stretch the image to fit any device's screen. This is an important thing to add because I want all the HUD elements to be visible even on the weirdest of screen sizes. The screenshots are supposed to show off the game's features and convince people that it's worth their attention. I'm hoping these screenshots will be impressive enough to convince folks to watch the trailer, read the description, and ultimately pay a dollar for the full version.

You can take a look at all the screenshots below the break!

     These are the first things most people are gong to see and based on how they look a potential customer will decide whether or not it's worth their time. If the images look good the customer will then judge the game based on the trailer so I have to make something impressive with that too!

There's slight differences in each size due to the changing aspect ratio. Click to see their full size!







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